Our mission is the same as Jesus commanded in his Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20 "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
Please watch our church newsletter, the bulletin and this website for updates as to when the next confirmation class will begin.
Adult Education
Please join Pastor Sal on Sunday morning for coffee, the Word and good times! Sunday mornings at 9 am Pastor Sal is leading us through the Book of James. .
Pastor Sal is holding a Men's Breakfast Bible Study at a Connie's Cafe, Tuesday at 8 am.
Wednesday evening from 6-7, and Thursday morning from 9-10, Pastor Sal will be leading us through the Book of Revelation.
Don't miss these opportunities to learn more about our Lord and Savior and to develop a closer personal relationship with Him.
Faith, Friends, Christian Learning
begins Sunday, Sept 17 at 9 am for children ages Pre-K through 12. Initially the group will be in the double classroom for introductory fun and later be split into two groups, Pre-K - 5th and 6th - 12. The younger children will have a core education in a fun, engaging and interactive way with Amy Blumenthal, Lisa Siegert and Joanne Galagher leading. Older children will form a youth group guided by Chris Eller and Joanne Gallagher. Those younger than Pre-K are welcome with a supervising adult present. Contact Joanne at 989-657-0481 with any questions or to volunteer your time and talents.
Church Nursery Shower
During the past year, many changes have taken place at Hope including moving the nursery/cry room to what was the preschool classroom due to the addition of sound system. During September, this space is being transformed into a special place for parents with small children by replacing the rocking chairs, adding curtains, murals and more. An unveiling of this special space is October 8 with a tour and "Baby Shower." If you are interested in donating needed item a baby registry can be found using the link, "https:rb.gy/cloo3" or by searching Hope Lutheran Nursery. Items will be shipped directly to Hope. "Let the childen come to me and do not hinder them. Matthew 19:14.
At the present time we do not have an active youth group. The church council is working on reestablishing this very important ministry at Hope. Watch for updates.
Adult Choir, Children's Specials, Men's and Women's Specials, instrumental soloists, The Backrow Boys (men's chorus) as well as others regularly present sacred music both classic and contemporary during our Sunday morning worship at 10:00 AM. Eric Lawson is our choir director. Carolyn Hoeberling is our organist and pianist. Kim & Jill Olsen lead our Children's Special presentations.
Community Service
We do several events throughout the year to benefit our community. Our November Christmas Bazaar generates money that is donated to local non-profit charitable ministries. Each year we host a meal for people from our community on Thanksgiving Day. Also, we have a Harvest Dinner in September. We also support Food for the Poor, Military Bible Sticks (Faith Comes By Hearing), Water Mission and the Gideons.
Eucharistice Ministers
In addition to pastoral visits, our Eucharistic ministers go to visit and bring Holy Communion to members who are not able to attend worship for whatever reason. If you would like at visit from one of our Eucharistic Ministers please contact the church office.
Women of Hope
The Women of Hope (WOH) include all confirmed women of Hope Lutheran Church. As a member each is assigned to one of 4 groups and will be included, if able, in sharing their time, talents or treasures for special projects; such as the bazaar, dinners, funerals and coffee hour.
The Women of Hope meet the second Tuesday at 6:30 pm from April through December. Winter meetings, January through March, will only be held if the need arrises.
Revelation Bible Study
September 13 from 6 pm to 7 pm
September 14m from 9 am to 10 am
Revelation may be one of the most perplexing books of the Bible, but despite its challenges its witness is clear. Through a panoply of images, the Apostle John shares a sacrificial theology of the Lamb of God that generates the central theme of God's exultation in Revelation. Revelation is an esoteric, apocalyptic, and fundamentally prophetic text concerned with both the despair of sin and the exultation of the ascendant Christ and His work.
Revelation is not about some distant future, but is about the present life of the church amid the turmoil of world history. It inspires Christians to be urgent and faithful in their proclamation of the Gospel, no matter how fierce the opposition, because of Christ's comforting promise: "I am coming quickly!"
Please join Pastor Sal in studying this book from God's Word.