The Women of Hope
The Women of Hope organization is involved in many projects; giving to the surrounding community and spreading God's love to others.
The Women of Hope (WOH) include all confirmed women of Hope Lutheran Church. As a member each is assigned to one of 4 groups and will be included, if able, in sharing their time, talents or treasures for special projects; such as the bazaar, dinners, funerals and coffee hour.
The Women of Hope meet the second Tuesday at 6:30 pm from April through December. Winter meetings, January through March, will only be held if the need arrises.
Upcoming projects and events include:
Fall Bazaar Set-up, will start on Friday, Novembe 10 at 9:00. We'll need many helpers for setting up the various locations. Any men willing to set up tables and haul boxes of heavy canned goods would be welcomed.
Fall Bazaar, November 11 from 11 until 2. Soup and Salad luncheon is $12 including homemade chicken noodle or cream of broccoli soup, a large selection of salads, delicious desserts and beverage. The quilt raffle drawing will be held at 2 pm. There will be a chance raffle, cookie and bake sale, a large assortment of canned fruits and vegetables for sale including sauerkraut, pickles, pickled beets and carrots, jams and jellies and much, much more.
Baked Potato Bar, Sunday Dec 3, following worship. Cathy Smith will post a list of toppings needed on the hall bulletin board for people wishing to donate, Cash may also be donated to offset the cost of potatoes.
Women of Hope Christmas Potluck, Tuesday December 12, with the business meeting to follow. Anyone wishing to participate in the gift exchange/game is asked to bring a wrapped gift up to $10. Please ask a frined, relative or neighbor to join the fun.
Narthex Christmas Tree, This year the narthex Christmas tree will be decorated with sox in all colors and sizes. Please bring warm socks for kids of all ages - you know how fast they grow, After Christmas the socks will be donated to the youth at the Boys & Girls Club of Alpena. It is reported that there are more than 500 local youth involved in their programs. This is a great outreach and not too expensive.
In the winter months, many of our women gather on Monday to put together quilts for those in need. In the spring of each year the quilts are blessed during a worship service.